Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Wow it's been a long since I've done a post. But I don't know, I guess I was feeling a little sentimental, definitely sad that I'm leaving Utah, a place I called home for 16 years. I have loved Utah with all my heart. It is definitely a place I want to call home again someday. But I am excited that I'm moving to Boston. It is a very exciting time for me, as I will stay there for four years. I'm pleased with my new home. Very pleased.

Change is sometimes inevitable. With me moving to Boston, it is inevitable that I have to say goodbye to my home. It is inevitable that I have to say goodbye to my family. It is inevitable that I have to say goodbye to my wonderful friends. Goodbyes for me are the hardest. It is hard knowing that you will be thousands of miles away, and while your feelings and love will never change, you can't always be there for them. That's what's the most hard for me. Wishing I could help the people I love but knowing that I can't be there for them. That's what will be the most hard.

I have been blessed with so many amazing friends. I hate to leave you guys, I really do. It's hard. It's really hard to leave you all when I love you all so much.

Yon Soo P- We went through a lot of battles together. Thanks for being my comrade and family. Love you sista.

Elissa C- You know how I feel about you sister, you know how I feel. I'm so proud of you.

Danny T- You are brilliant and I love you man. Thanks for being in my classes.

Johnny L- Since we were 5, we've been brothers. I love you man. Bros for life.

Zach G- Man, you know how I feel about you. Your music is incredible and you've brought me so much joy. Love you forever man.

Jen M- My swimming buddy! Thanks for being there when I needed you. Love you Jen!

Delaney L- Man we've been buds forever! Love ya sista!

Levi B- My partner in crime. Thanks for everything bro.

Maren C- You listened to me so many times. And I bet you were bored haha. Thanks for being there.

Jane C- Too many battles, too many battles. Thanks for being my comrade.

Rebecca D- You just always made me laugh. Thanks for being my friend.

Benson B- Thank you Benson. You're such an example to me. Love ya bro.

Jae C- I don't know what to say........ You're crazy man. You know how I feel about you.

Nick L- Man.... Nick, you mean the world to me. Thanks for being the greatest example to me.

David S- You're brilliant. You always acted fierce but deep down, you were watching over me like a
giant teddy bear. Thanks David.

Shane M- Always looked up to you. Thank you for being so good to me.

Tayla S- Thanks for being such an amazing friend.

Jon E- Proud of you bro. Love you. Keep doing what you do.

Michelle S- Brother and Sister for life! You've always helped me out. Thanks Michelle.

Aubrey G- You're crazy dude. But I'm gonna miss ya and I love ya.

I'm gonna miss you all so much. So so much. Thank you for turning me into the person I am. You've all had such a huge influence on me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.

Today I said goodbye to two of the most important people in my life. The first was my piano teacher Dr. Irene Peery-Fox. Dr. Fox has been a teacher, a mentor, and a mother to me. She has taught me how to work hard. She's taught me how to be a good person. For the last 8 years she's nurtured me. She's guided me. She means so much to me. My life will be so empty now without her in my life. Thank you, Dr. Peery for everything. For helping me become a pianist, for teaching me about the important things in my life, for being my mom. I love you very much.

The second, is my best friend, Tosha Kohler. Tosha is simply a remarkable person. She's been such an amazing friend to me, and she's been such a huge influence in my life. She's always been there for me when I was down, when I was sad. When I was going through dark and tough times in my life she was my pillar. We shared so many happy memories together. We talked, we laughed. We danced, we sang. We cried. We went to dances, we saw movies. We made pies, we went on many adventures. She taught me what it meant to love someone, what it meant to care for someone. Thanks for being my world, Tosha, thanks for being everything to me. I was so lucky to have the time I had with you. Thank you for everything Tosha. I love you so, so much. Thank you for all the special memories. I hope that you will always be happy.

Music is such a powerful thing. It connects people. It's such a powerful force in our lives. Through music, we can describe how we're feeling without any words. It brings people together. It makes us happy, it makes us sad. It brings out our most powerful emotions. It makes us feel, it makes us love. It is such a special thing. Here's how I'm feeling:

I'm gonna miss you all so much. Thank you for everything guys. You mean the world to me. I hope you all will be happy and find success in your lives. You all deserve it. Thank you.

